By plane to South Tyrol

Fast but climate UNfriendly

If you want to travel to South Tyrol by plane, we recommend Bolzano airport as your nearest destination. There are direct flights from Rome, Düsseldorf and Berlin to Bolzano with Sky Alps.

Alternatively, the airports of Innsbruck, Verona, Bologna, Venice, Milan, BergamoTreviso, Munich or Salzburg are also relatively close.

CO2 emissions

Travelling and going on holiday produce a surprisingly large amount of climate-changing CO2 emissions. You can calculate your footprint and offset your emissions, meaning you can plan your holiday responsibly and with the environment in mind! Calculating the footprint takes less than a minute:

  1. MyClimate
  2. SouthPole

Bolzano/Bozen Airport

South Tyrol's airport is located in the south of the provincial capital Bolzano. 
Sky Alps offers regular scheduled flights from Brussels, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin, London, Düsseldorf or back to Bolzano.

The SASA buslines 10A and 10B run regularly between Bolzano Airport and the city centre, as well as the train and bus stations of Bolzano. From here there are regular bus connections to the Eggental valley. The journey takes about 25 minutes, depending on the townHere you can choose your ideal connections from Bolzano train station to your accommodation. 

There are taxi ranks both directly in front of Bolzano train station and at the airport terminal. The transfer from the train station to the airport and vice versa takes about 15 minutes.

Verona Airport

Verona Airport is located about 150 km from Bolzano and is very well connected to South Tyrol by train and transfer buses:

  • The Aerobus line 199 takes you from Verona Airport to Verona Porta Nuova train station in 15 minutes, from where there are trains to South Tyrol every hour. Departure times and tickets for the trains can be found here! 
  • Or use the combined ticket of the DB/ÖBB cooperation for Aerobus line 199 and train. The ticket is available online or at all Deutsche Bahn AG travel centres, as well as at Verona Airport at the counter in the departure terminal (marked with the DB logo), opposite the check-in counters. 
  • Südtirol Bus offers connections from the airport several times a day. Connections to South Tyrol include a wide range of stops throughout South Tyrol and Val d'Ega.
  • From Verona airport, private shuttle services of the Eggental valley such as Südtirol Transfer or Book your shuttle offer direct onward travel to your accommodation in the Eggental valley. 
  • Renting a car at Verona Airport is easy and straightforward. 

Innsbruck Airport

Innsbruck Airport is located about 120 km north of Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

  • Bus line F from Innsbruck airport takes you to Innsbruck main station every 15 or 30 minutes. The bus starts in front of the main airport building and takes about 20 minutes to reach Innsbruck main station. There are train connections to South Tyrol every half hour and every hour.
  • Südtirol Bus offers connections from the airport several times a day. Connections to South Tyrol include a wide range of stops throughout South Tyrol and Val d'Ega.
  • From Innsbruck airport, private shuttle services of the Eggental valley such as Südtirol Transfer or Book your shuttle offer direct onward travel to your accommodation in the Eggental valley. 
  • Renting a car at Innsbruck Airport is easy and straightforward. 

Venice Airport

Venice airport is about 270 km from Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

Treviso Airport

Treviso airport is about 190 km from Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

Bergamo Airport

Bergamo airport is about 240 km from Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

Bologna Airport

Bologna Airport is about 240 km from Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

Milan Airport

There are two airports in Milan: Milan Malpensa and Milan Linate. The airports are about 320 km and 270 km away from Bolzano.

  • Milan Malpensa has a good connection with shuttle bus to Milano Centrale central station.
  • From Milano Linate several lines bring you to Milan Central Station. More information on timetables and tickets to and from the airports can be found here.Trains depart from Milan Central Station several times a day via Verona to South Tyrol.  
  • Südtirol Bus offers connections from the airport several times a day. Connections to South Tyrol include a wide range of stops throughout South Tyrol and Val d'Ega.
  • From Milan airport, private shuttle services of the Eggental valley such as Südtirol Transfer or Book your shuttle offer direct onward travel to your accommodation in the Eggental valley. 

Milan Airport 

Munich Airport is located about 300 lm north of Bolzano and is well connected by train and shuttle transfer:

Mountain Pass
1 Ticket - 17 lifts - 3 mountains

Holders of the Mountain Pass can use 17 lifts in the heart of the RosengartenLatemar and Schlern/Sciliar any three or five days within a period of seven consecutive days.

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